As a company committed to improving people's lives, Takeda undertakes corporate citizenship activities intended to solve or alleviate social issues facing patients and people who have suffered from disasters.
We are engaged in various programs that reflect the calls of international society, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and WHO appeals. These activities also play an important part in our Access to Medicines initiative. In 2016, we held a vote among all employees to promote activities in line with the key focus of "prevention for health in developing and emerging countries." Based on the results of this vote, we formulated the new Global CSR Programs.
Based on the concept of "putting the patient at the center," Takeda's business sites in countries all over the world are playing their part as members of the local community by donating to local organizations, supporting volunteer activities by employees, and engaging in corporate citizenship activities in line with local needs, such as initiatives to raise awareness of disease.
Since immediately after the Great East Japan Earthquake, Takeda has been conducting long-term activities to support the recovery of areas affected by the disaster. Examples include the contribution of pharmaceuticals and donations. We have made a commitment to continue support for 10 years through to 2020. We are also supporting areas affected by the Kumamoto Earthquake by a donation by employees with a matching gift from the company, along with OTC products and other support supplies.
Issues and Initiatives Going Forward
Over the decade, through partnerships and collaborations with nonprofits, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and CSR organizations globally, we have developed numerous programs that address all of the 17 SDGs. Looking ahead, we will respond to the demands of the international community in the medium-term strategic domain of "prevention for health in developing and emerging countries."
Three Global CSR Programs Voted on by Employees around the World
As we promote prevention of diseases to contribute to better health for people in developing and emerging countries, we established new global CSR programs, reflecting the results of a vote held among all employees.
Capacity building is indispensable to protecting health in developing countries. In partnership with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (The Global Fund), Takeda supports to develop the capacity for the world's three major communicable disease of healthcare providers in three African countries (Kenya, Tanzania, and Nigeria)
As with communicable diseases (CDs), non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes, hypertension, and cancer are serious problems in emerging countries. Since 2012, we've been supporting the development of the diabetes e-learning program "IDEEL" for healthcare professionals in collaboration with the international NGO Project Hope.
*IDEEL: International Diabetes Education E-Learning Program.
In order to improve the women's health working in factories in developing and emerging countries, Takeda supported HERhealth, which is a program managed by BSR, international non-profit organization, and expands the support the program in Bangladesh, China, India, Kenya, and Ethiopia in 2016.
Relay for Life (RFL) is a charity event for fighting against cancer and held in 26 countries. In collaboration with the American Cancer Society (ACS), the host of RFL, we will expand RFL over 46 countries in the next five years.
Birth registration is an indispensable for receiving healthcare services such as vaccinations. At Takeda, we've partnered with Plan International Japan, an international NGO, to promote digital birth registration in Kenya.