Transparency 2.0: the Launch of

Transparency 2.0: the Launch of

March 24, 2014

Research is the beating heart of the biopharmaceutical industry— clinical trials that advance the understanding of a potential product’s safety and efficacy. Every patient who participates in a research program is key. Communicating with them responsibly is essential.

Recently Shire launched a new website specifically designed to answer questions about Shire’s approach to the sharing of information about current and proposed clinical trials and the opportunities offered by existing studies. Scientific and medical researchers, participating patients, and the general public all now have access to planned and recruiting Shire-sponsored clinical trials for the treatment of ADHD, Arteriovenous Fistula, Metachromatic Leukodystrophy, and Hunter syndrome. In time, as new clinical trials are initiated and more study reports are announced, the site will have even more depth.

“We’ve analyzed the best of what others do in this clinical trials space and brought it all together with our own touches to create what we believe is an especially user-friendly experience,” says Jeremy Chadwick, vice president of Clinical Operations. The new site, which is aligned with the Principles for Responsible Clinical Trial Data Sharing set forth by the European of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations Federation (EFPIA) and the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) is a natural step for a company that has been increasingly focused on transparency during the past many months. The site also offers viewers the chance to understand more about the often complex area of clinical trial development, including our position on some challenging areas such as compassionate use.

“Transparency offers real value to all Shire stakeholders,” says Chadwick. “It is essential that we communicate who Shire is as a company, how we think about quality and compliance, the strategies that fuel the design of our trials, and the rights given to trial participants and volunteers. This site is one piece of a broader strategy to demonstrate our eagerness to share our strategies and projects with interested parties.”

“This is an exciting new offering for Shire,” says Chadwick. “It is one more indication of our commitment, as a company, to openly sharing our processes and progress as we advance the science on behalf of the patients and communities we serve.”